livin the college dream?

Howdy folks. Im back with another wimpy blog. To be honest my camera roll is a ton of screenshots of powerpoint slides, dosage calculation problems and test questions to study soo Im really scraping the bottom of the barrel for these blog posts each week. But thats ok. And I even did stuff this week - just forgot to take a lot of pictures. I have spent the whole week up north and it has consisted of school, grocery shopping, clinicals, studying, working out and watching disney plus. So there ya have it... living the college dream. Friday Shawnee came up to visit me and we headed to city creek for some shopping. I bought the dress I've been eyeing for a couple weeks and then we watched a movie and ate some tacos. Super fun girls night. 

After movie night and tacos I headed down to Orem to hang out with this noob...

Im currently thinking about moving into his apartment complex and let me tell you that place is NICE! It has all the amenities you would ever need (multiple gyms, yoga rooms, music rooms, hottub and pool, arcade room, hang out rooms etc.) plus in the dorms each student has their own room and bathroom. So ya really nice. He showed me around and there were tons of kids just everywhere hanging out. It was super cool and we met some fun people in the pool. Then Kam wanted crumbl and kjahna wanted tacos so we went and got food. Kam told me this is what every night looks like... staying up late, eating junk food and hot tubbing. So part of me is like wow ya fun and another part of me is like hmm I don't want to fail school, spend all my money and get fat so we'll see what happens. Speaking of school... I crushed my exams this past week. Surprisingly ACED my pharm test which I was so so happy about. Now the only thing between me and fall break is my Lab pass off day so wish me luck!!


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