Welcoming a new year!

Ive been blogging for some time now and I decided I needed a little break. So this post is going to be a ton of pictures... you're welcome. As we said goodbye to 2018 I did a lot of reflecting about how the year was... my highs and lows, the lessons I learned, the experiences I gained and the amazing people I was surrounded by. SO much to be grateful for, truly. 2018 was one wicked year and its gonna be hard to top, but I think 2019 has a lot in store. 

Visited the corndog truck with mom!

babysitting these cuties. 

Last cousin camp for a while ;(

The boys are insane... lets just say Emily and I weren't 
to happy about them cooling down the hottub!

Favorite tradition - another successful wells fam veto skate party. 

Spent New Years Eve with these bums. We cracked (literally) open a bottle of apple cider and talked about life. Good times. 

Fam took a hike around some trails by the house. Good to get out on a beautiful stg winter afternoon. 

bahaha - I went to the dentist and I thought this pic was funny. 

Last night hanging with the squad. Bowling is always good. 

The left picture shows me not letting go of shawnees hand because she was trying to "go to bed early." What even is that? As you can see we were successful and she stayed and partied with us. 

Family bowling for the afternoon. Like I said... bowling is always good. I actually then went on a bowling date an hour later haha. This year has already been a treat, but just wait. Its just getting started. Today was also the first day of 2 hour church. Im grateful for the opportunity to be able to learn more about the gospel at home with my family. To teach each other and gain a greater testimony from and with my family. Im also grateful for the prophet and the power and authority he has to lead this church in this crazy world. Im grateful for a lot and Im actually peacing out for a few months... not from blogging but just from normal life I guess. I leave the US in a couple days for a pretty wild few months. Stay tuned. 


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