A little bit of home

Today has been one of the best days yet. I have been pretty excited to attend church here, but I can't even explain how amazing it was. Ive lived here for about a week and a half now and I have felt nothing but lost and far from home. Today at church that changed... I felt such a sense of happiness and familiarity. I felt like I was home and surrounded by people I knew. Me and a few of my roommates got there an hour early because the time on the website was wrong, but anyways we sat on the couch in the foyer and studied for a little until people started coming in. Everyone that walked through the doors immediately walked over and said hello. There was a sweet old lady that gave us kisses on the cheeks and we were very quickly introduced to the missionaries and the senior couple! Everyone was seriously so sweet. The meeting was held in Russian, but we were able to have it translated to us. As I was sitting there in the meeting I could feel the spirit so strong. I felt so much love and happiness sitting in that room. Something I haven't felt since leaving home. It was such a breath of fresh air to see smiling people and to be surrounded by such warmth and love. The branch was so small and today was stake conference so we'll have to see how small the branch is next week! We took a group photo after sacrament meeting which was so cute. The senior missionaries held an english class for second hour which was so kind of them. They are also holding institute for us midweek and Im so excited to have that opportunity especially because we will be traveling most weekends. Anyways, today was much needed and Im so glad I have the opportunity to attend church around the world. I love this gospel and for the happiness it brings - If the lithuanians are happy because of the gospel, you know its the real stuff. Much love from Lithuania <3


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