First semester of College ✓

I can't believe my first semester of college has already come and gone!  It went by so fast and Ive loved every minute of it.  I don't really have an excuse for not blogging recently... I did have finals last week but those weren't too bad.  Anyways to catch up a little bit Im just gonna post some random pictures that Ive had on my phone for the past month!

love babysitting these little stinkers. 

 I'm not in high school anymore and this is technically not my team, but one of my favorite parts of not moving away is still being able to visit and run with them every now and then.  Usually in the past we have done the chocolate milk mile but coach decided to switch it up and do the  Root Beer mile this year!  So glad i didn't participate.... just went to watch haha. 

They all started by chugging a can and then after each lap another can was chugged until they finished the four laps.  Throughout the mile you aren't allowed to throw up or else you don't qualify for a finishing place.  Painful right?  The boys winner, Matt, had just taken off for his last lap as I see drew walking about 50 meters away, so I jog over to him and say "Cmon Drew I'll help you through this last lap."  His response with a very confused and shocked face... "Last lap?  This is my second."  Hahah I couldn't stop laughing.  Matt finished in just over 8 minutes.  Lily, the girls winner, finished in just over 10 minutes while drew finished in just over 20.  Good times. 

Shawn on the other hand made it about two and half laps until her stomach couldn't take it anymore.  Still a good job and further than I would've made it.  I think 4 of the boys that started, finished and only 2 girls finished. 

We had an FHE gingerbread decorating contest which is always a good time.  Not even sure who won but Im sure we were on the podium. 

Target with the ladies a few days ago. 

They were handing out free cookies and juice and taking cute christmas polaroids for us which was cool.  The cookies were actually not good at all so I was a nice sister and gave mine to jack, he scarfed it down. 

One of my favorite traditions ever!!!

This simple little gingerbread activity has turned into the biggest wells family competition ever. Its hilarious.  Everyone is trying to do bigger and better than last year and putting more and more time into their houses. I love it. Except its not so easy to win best overall anymore... This year I won best tree. It was good to have all the family down here for a good afternoon of cousin time. 

I stuck to a simple home this year but look at my cute planter boxes I made on the side of the house!!!  I also frosted the roof and added edible glitter to make it snowy and pretty. 

Not the best picture, but last sunday we were able to surprise the youngs at colby's farewell!  The storms were also able to make it so it was a big kentucky family reunion.  Colby gave an awesome talk about how he egged cars and had to go to court this past summer but Cape Verde will be a crazy adventure.  Seems like just yesterday me, drew, colby and maddy were having sleepovers in the basement, hanging out at Gatiland and playing come to court.  Hard to believe that we're all so old now. 

Me and Isabelle bundled up for the nativity and shawn was the lead role!  She did a dang good job at playing Mary and I was very impressed with her donkey riding skills. 

Me and isabelle have also been doing the light the world challenge.  I don't have an instagram or anything but she's been posting something everyday about the little things we do.  Some of the activities we've done are paying for people at swig, putting coupons on items at smith's, going to the puppy shelter and giving our study hall lady some chocolates.  #lighttheworld

I have also completed my first semester of college successfully with all A's!  Finals week was actually super fun.  It was kinda nice not having scheduled class and just being able to study and get it over with.  Funny story... so this semester my schedule was MWF classes from 8am to around 2pm.  I was always on time to my 8am class and all semester have been doing really well at getting up on time.  Well my nutrition final was at 7am monday morning.  I had studied and gone to bed at a decent hour but sunday night I had thee scariest dream and could not sleep all night.  I had set 3 different alarms and guess what... I slept through every single one of them.  A little later I finally woke up, but when I looked at my phone, it read 6:54 am.  I freaked out!  My test was starting in 6 minutes!  After frantically putting a sweatshirt on and grabbing a granola bar I sped to school and parked illegally, woops. Bolted to class and got there around 7:08. The door was closed but I walked in and my professor gave me my test. Luckily he isn't to strict, but you could say I was panicking all morning ahah.  It ended well though, I got a 114/100 on my final so wootwoot.  I love school, but Im also loving this christmas break. 



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