I honestly don't know where to start with this week. It's weird to think Jack's divisional race was this past week because it seriously feels like that was last week. I was able to split up my work week to make it to Jackies race so I worked on Monday. I had an interesting psych patient that I was a 1:1 for. So essentially I babysat this 40 year old man all day. The day started out pleasant and I guess I jinxed myself by thinking it would be an easy one to one. Well around noon things started to get weird. Blood pressure was through the roof and he was acting super strange. When asked the same questions he had very easily answered that morning - he would respond with "I don't know" or "I can't recall" and he just had this blank stare. At first I legit thought he was stroking out with the BP he had and all these other orientation things. I did a quick neuro exam and paged the doctor - everything was fine. But by the time the doc came up he was starting to refuse anything and everything. Not agitated or combative (most these patients get that way), but just not allowing us to touch him or take vitals anymore. He then started repeatedly going into the bathroom and doing these certain movements. He would sporadically leave his bed to sit out in the middle of the hallway and yeah - he just got weird. THEN I followed him into the bathroom to realize he had been drinking out of the toilet! I saw him dunk his cup into the toilet, put the straw and lid back on, then took a sip. In disgust I said "Why are you drinking out of the toilet? I can get you fresh water!" He said "no". This right here is why I will never go into psych. Well to make a long story still long I was able to convince him to take an Ativan and about an hour later he snapped out of this weirdness. But he continued to refuse medications, hospital food and water due to the fact he thought we were trying to kill him. At one point he asked me "what is blowing out of these vents?" I said "AIR". Weird weird stuff and I really do feel bad for people who struggle with mental health things.

Tuesday was Divisionals!! Jacks team ran super well. They placed their top 5 in the top 15. It just so happens that orem placed their top 4 in the top 6. It's hard to look good when you are up against a better looking team. BUT anything can happen with each race that comes so we'll see how state goes. Either way - I love watching the boys race. It's like watching 7 of my little brothers out there. Not ready for the season to be over! Jesse and Karee also came to join Drew and I in cheering. I warned them prior to coming that we don't just sit and watch - we RUN! and boy did I make them run. It was funny. Jack was also recognized this week for their team win at region and for his good grades making academic all state.

Jesse and I spent the rest of the day halloween shopping. We were at a halloween store on center street in Provo and she says to me "Laynee, you know what's just down the street?" I said "Fat Daddy's, I was hoping you'd say something bc I was thinking the same thing." haha we really can be the same person. That night we also started the series "Monsters" about the Menendez brothers trial. The soundtrack for the series is purely milli vanilli - so that's what Ive been listening to all week. Ive been going around work singing Blame it on the Rain and all my co-workers just laugh at me and say "you're making me feel so old!" haha. Wednesday through Friday were my straight work days. They pretty decent. I had a busy 43 year old heart transplant guy. I enjoy taking care of hearts though I think it's satisfying to have to chart all the output and be able to change dressings everyday. Weird things only nurses get.

One of my absolute highlights of the week was spending my Friday night in the hospital cheering on BYU with Erin. Weird right? my highlight being watching football... It was a good game and tbh Im kinda a fan now. I was supposed to work the late shift Friday night, but was able to change it so that I could do this with Erin. She had a pretty scary part earlier in the week. Tuesday evening as I was going to bed I saw a post from Erins mom on instagram saying Erin needs all the prayers she could get and that things weren't looking good. My heart sank and I immediately messaged Tara. She told me that she fevered (fairly normal after her infusion of natural killers), but that she wasnt able to keep her oxygen saturation up and her legs were all swollen. Erin mentioned to her mom that night that she felt like she was dying. So I went to bed crying, of course thinking about worst case scenarios. I believe the next day they found a pleural effusion taking up half her left lung. Friday she was able to have a thoracentesis to drain the fluid out and they got 700mls. No wonder she felt like she couldn't breathe. By the time I got there Friday with some Texas Roadhouse for her and Slackwater pizza her me and her mom she was doing a lot better. Off any oxygen and from there on out no more fevers. I was at the hospital from just after 7pm till around 11:30pm. BYU had a pretty miraculous win scoring their last touchdown with like 10 seconds left. There were a few times we screamed too loud and Tara reminded us there was a sleeping baby next door.

Pretty epic game. And I keep saying they're doing so well this season for Erin. Super fun night and very happy Erin is doing better. Pleural effusions may or may not be the new norm for Erin for a little bit. But on her most recent scans her tumors have shrunk a centimeter?!? I feel like I don't really want to believe it quite yet, but we'll see. Sounds like the clinical trial will continue and we'll tackle whatever is thrown her way. She's a tough, stubborn son of a gun. Saturday I was also able to spend some time with her. We walked out to the balcony where she was able to get some sun. That day she did three long walks which is more than she's done in weeks. This morning she was able to break out and head home.
Saturday night Jesse got off work earlier than expected so this is what we did...

We also made a homemade pazookie and watched the babadook. We always have a good time hanging out. Well that's my week. Church was really good today too. The speakers talked on Pres. Nelsons talk at conference. One of the speakers highlighted the second coming and not procrastinating our repentance. Will Jesus come in the next few months or even few years - hopefully yes - but probably not. BUT that doesn't mean we wait till then to repent. Especially because we never know when our time here on earth will be taken from us. It was a good reminder of the urgency and the importance of taking action now. School has been good this week. My grades are looking more promising than I had planned at this point which is a blessing, but Im still not completely out of the dark with my final coming up this weekend. Wish me luck. It's only 7:37pm right now and Im so dang tired, but I work nights tomorrow so I gotta stay up late tonight. Wish me luck again. It's turned out to be a good week even with a couple of scares. But what's October without a few scares right?
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