Just like the good ole days

 Hello there. This week has been a fun and busy one. I like to know that I am still able to have fun amidst busy work weeks and the start of school. So this week was a pretty mundane night shift week just like it's been the last couple of weeks. Due to the flooding we are still not taking care of as many patients as we usually are, but the last shift of my week decided to get all busy on me. I was charge Wednesday night (I usually charge on Wednesdays for some reason). Charge nurses haven't been taking any patients recently so they can be of more help on the unit. Well we were shorter staffed the first four hours of shift so I took on two patients as well as charge nurse. Which would have been fine except for the fact that I was assigned a currently crashing patient and a patient that the day shift nurse completely neglected the last couple hours of shift. Let me explain - A rapid response was called on my female patient at shift change  due to 10/10 chest pain, shakiness and increased o2 needs. Turns out she was given an abx that she was allergic to and with some Benadryl and time the symptoms cleared. BUT due to all of that I then had the responsibility of trending labs the next couple hours, closely watching vitals, fluid boluses and so forth. So just some extra work to be given right off the bat. Which also wouldn't have been terrible except for the fact that around 8pm when I finally checked on my other patient I saw that he wasnt given his 5pm abx and his fluids were never started on him. I called to verify if I should give the 1700 dose of meds or if I should just wait till the next dose. Pharmacy said to give them asap so I rushed to get fluids and abx started when the IV went bad. Of course. So I quickly popped in another IV (I love doing IVs, but it was just another thing to add to the list at that time) and finished off his stuff. Not to mention he was calling every 10 minutes to get up and use the bathroom. Oh and I hadn't had any time to do charge nurse duties whatsoever. Oh and there was a nagging nurse trying to steal my few nurses I had on the floor for some stupid education thing. It was a hectic shift to say the least. Well, a few more nurses were scheduled to come in at 11pm that night which was nice to lift the load. My female patient decided to turn septic once again around midnight (she had only transferred out of the ICU around 5pm that evening for septic joint problems) Her BP had dropped, she was tachy in the 140s and her O2 needs were once again increased. Around 2am we hauled her back to the ICU. We were also on sepsis watch for another patient that night as well. His bp had also dropped and his temp reached 103.9, slightly tachy and shaking in discomfort. Well ICU was busy so we continued to watch him on our floor. He seemed to be doing better around 5am, but I think it was his body's last ditch effort to rally and compensate before he then tanked bad at shift change. Another rapid response happened and another transfer to ICU. Gotta love it. So all the plans I had that night to relax and do homework - nope didn't happen. Around 3am was my first time sitting down to chart and eat lunch really quick before I was up and busy the rest of the morning. The night sure went by fast though with two people slowly crashing all night long. Alright enough boring medical stuff - I then drove straight to stg after that shift. Stupid of me but Ive done it enough times now that I just can't wait to get home. I tried staying up for a little bit to lay out in the sun, but quickly realized I was too tired so headed to bed that afternoon. It's been fun as always and nice to be back in some remaining summertime weather. The fun adventure took place Saturday morning, like adventures usually do. 

Burger Peak! Just an easy 5 mile trail! (family joke) Dad wanted to test out his limits due to good ole AS so we headed up to PV around 0530 on Saturday morn. Started up the trail around 0640ish?? It honestly was the perfect weather. It was never hot as we ascended the mountain which was so dang nice. 

I wouldn't say an easy 5 mile hike... its more 5.5 mile hike up and my back was definitely aching from all the uphill. But it sure is pretty and worth a little achy back.

Salt and vinegar chips slapped

Great views and always a good time hitting the trails with dad again. Just like the good ole days. I feel like that was the thing we talked about most while hiking was just reminiscing on all our past trail run and training runs. The good ones and the bad ones. With just over a mile to go till the trailhead I decided to finish it off with a little jog. It's a little bit flatter so I wanted to see what my legs could do. I then ran the extra mile back to huggy-ama's house. I ended up running an 8:28 and a 7:20 something mile. I was cooked, but it felt good to end a solid 12 mile day with some speed. Then treated ourselves to a lunch of CORN! So nutritious after a 12 mile hike. 

But it hit the spot. 

Visited Grandy. They have a brand new painted cabin and a cleaned out garage thanks to the family laboring on Labor Day. 

Can't forget the cat - and you'll see the wildlife right outside the porch. I sure do love pine valley. And a good hike. Except I can't move - my quads havent gotten that much elevation gain or miles in since who knows. 

And lastly - Jackie had Homecoming! Senior Year! Asked his friend from Crimson that he met over the summer. Sounds like they had a good time even though jack started to feel a little under the weather that evening. Life is good and flying by per usual. School is a lot, but I seem to enjoy that kind of stuff for some reason. I think any kind of challenge I just enjoy and school from here on out will definitely be time consuming and a challenge to manage, but Im a snow-gardener. 


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