It's been what feels like forever since I have blogged, but for good reason - there is simply nothing to blog about. Life has been pretty eh the last little bit. Working a lot, grinding in school and just the usual errands. I did just finish up my fourth class of school. So eight months in baby. And I have a week break before I start my next class which is kind of nice except Im already bored. Don't get me wrong, I love a good break from school, but I just have nothing to do in my spare time and it's weird to be able to just watch TV and do nothing. Anyways work is also good. A couple weeks ago I was scheduled to work 5 in a row and honestly it wasn't terrible. I enjoyed that whole week of work even though my back started to hurt by the end. So yeah that's an overall update... but here are some pics from the last couple of weeks.

Erin was able to spend the night earlier this week in between her radiation appointments. We spent the evening visiting the Taylorsville temple for its open house. Beautiful as usual
Then we went straight to the chocolate for a pizookie. This may have been our dinner for the night - don't judge us.
Cyber truck sighting in sugarhouse. One of the first ones ive seen up north.
Spent the day being Erins chauffeur to her radiation appointment and scans.
Done plenty of shopping in the last couple of weeks. When I have the day off and its crappy weather but I want to get out of the house there is really nothing to do besides go spend money so that's what I do.
Oh yeah our dryer also broke and this is me and Cassie literally fixing that dang thing. YouTube University at its finest. We ended up successfully fixing the part we intended on fixing, but I guess there was something else that was broken so we ended up having to pay someone to fix the rest, but I was pretty proud of us for ripping the dryer apart and putting it back together again.

Last and most important news - I got my magnet back. So I go to the carwash quite frequently and my magnet never has an issue. Well this last week I got home after the car wash and my magnet had fallen off. So I go back just yesterday and Im asking the guy if he has seen a bright pink magnet that says "hot girls..." and before I even finish he's smiling and says "Yep we got it" I was stoked. I knew they would have it because the workers there always comment on it so I figured they probably had it hanging on the fridge as a trophy or something ahah. But now I got it back, yay. Welp that's about it. yeah its boring, but I never said its a bad thing. BUT I sure am excited for summer and vacations and warm weather. Bring it on.
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