Summer is the best and its always the worst when it comes to an end. School started this week for Jackie, the weather is already cooling off and life is just slowing down. I feel like just yesterday I was so excited for all my summer plans and travels and now in a blink of an eye they are over with and in the past. Sad. Speaking of being done with all my traveling - this last week I have been recovering from jet lag and one of the funnest weeks in Japan, trying to adjust back to the reality of work and boring, normal life. My sleep schedule was off for a little bit - I struggled sleeping through the night, but I was pretty strict with not taking any naps so I think I did pretty well. BUT I've been fighting a sickness (even before japan) and this week its really been rough. So hopefully I can take it easier this week and get rid of this crap.

Highlight of the week: I was getting off work as I received videos of Jacks Cedar all comers race (first race of the XC season) I watched his first lap and was already so impressed - he was running 6th on the team, but honestly I figured he would die off a little bit. Second lap he was still running a strong 6th on the team... I started watching the last video which was the finish and freaking started crying (as I'm walking to my car outside of work) because jack placed 6th on his team, a strong VARSITY finish for his first race of the season. I was so stinking proud and wish I could've been there. I texted him and told him I knew he could be on varsity, but I didn't think he would make it his first race. His response was "same!" haha. So dang proud and super stoked to watch him race up here this weekend!!

Friday I had the day off (holla) so karee and I escaped to the lake and found us some sun! We paddle boarded out to a buoy and just anchored ourselves there for a couple hours. Layed in the sunshine and just hangout and talked - it was so nice. That night my family came into town! We had Feastbox for dinner and while we were eating drew says "I think Im feeling the chocolate". The chocolate is one of our favorite dessert places up here and all of us just started laughing and then yes... we went and got pazookies.
Jack had a sleepover at my place while the others stayed in a hotel... I gave him his souvenir from japan which he was stoked for. On the headband it says "number one" so I told him this will manifest his place on the team this year.
The next morning we woke up early to get jacks workout in and then off to visit the dentist. I honestly don't hate going to the dentist, but mostly because its just a fun family morning hanging out with mason at work.

Jack was the only one with a cavity even though drew literally forgot to brush his teeth that morning! Well our annual check up is done till next summer... then we had some Cane's for lunch and then they left me. I had work that evening which sucked. I felt so crappy all night and just wanted to go to bed. Today I woke up feeling a little better which Im grateful for. Im going to try and take this week easy (Im not the best at that) so I can get feeling better in time for school!! Im actually getting really excited. My textbooks should get here tomorrow and Im just excited to see what the next couple years bring. Still doesn't feel real that Im starting this high of education, but bring it on. Well thats a little update... Seth is doing well and I still miss him like crazy, but I got to talk to him on saturday which was fun. Seems to be having a good time out there in the hood of cincinnati. Life is good, missing summer already, but I guess its time to buckle up for school. Lets just hope it can stay somewhat warm a little bit longer up here.
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