Its been five months since grandpa passed and I can say I still miss him very much, if not now more than ever. We gathered in pine valley this weekend in his memory and it was weird pulling into the back of the house with grandpa not on the porch or walking into the house without him in his recliner. If I'm being honest I still feel like a couple of dogs should be running at us the minute we pull into the driveway as well. Lots of changes, that are sadly inevitable, but I am glad to have spent my few days in st george with all my family. I hate funerals, but I do love family time. I miss my grandpa every day - truly. I think about him often and usually cry. Even though Im so happy to know where he is Im still selfish and wish he was here to greet me with a hug every time I come to the house. Love you grandpa - the service this weekend was simple and beautiful. We all knew he was there because it started raining - we joked he was trying to cancel his own grave dedication. Enjoy all the family pictures from this weekend...

Planted this here tree with some of grandpa's ashes in it - so family picture with grandpa!
little chunky monkey gave me a sore arm but it was worth it.
A beautiful day - as always in this beautiful valley.
We all crammed in the cars and headed to the grave site - please note all of us are wearing grandpa's old jackets and flannels because it was a little chillier than we all planned for. I thought it was kind of neat we were all wearing his clothes to his funeral.
Cookies and treats afterwards with of course some whiffle ball happening in the background.
double fisting
Mini me
I love this picture and I sure am grateful to have had these last few years to become so close with my grandpa. Its crazy how we take for granted the simple times of being with our loved ones and all of a sudden those times can be gone before we know it. Grateful for the plan of happiness and the fact I get to hug this old man again someday.
On another note - mothers day. I have some pretty amazing women in my life. Ive said it before and Ill say it a million times, I couldn't ask for a better mom - she is truly my best friend and Im so grateful to have her in my life. We push each others buttons at times, but I love you mom. Thanks for raising me and the boys to be pretty decent humans.
This weekend also included lots of baseball and even more to come in next weeks blog... so until then... peace.
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