Honestly I don't have much on my end to talk about besides work, but luckily my family is cool and gives me something to document. So this week is extra boring for me because I came down with a little cold. Its hit me fairly hard though - not quite sure if that has to deal with my medications or if its just a stronger cold than usual, but anyways I took off work thursday because I just didnt feel well. Friday and saturday I only had two patients but one of them was SUPER tough. There was honestly so much that I had to do for him that I had never done before so it was a good learning experience, but man I was exhausted after just two days of work. He was in the hospital for tons of GI problems such as crohns, bowel obstruction which lead to surgery and other stuff. He had tube feeds going into his PEG tube, JP drain, ileostomy, had to draw labs twice a day, had TPN running in his PICC, ketamine drip, dilaudid PCA as well as antibiotics and other supplements such as mag and phos. Pretty sure I spent more of my day in his room than I was out of his room. I cant imagine how much pain he was in constantly, but one of the toughest parts that really started to wear on me was how sensitive he was and how much he complained about everything - me having to turn on a light to empty his drain or not putting his table in the right place or his IV pump beeping at him. I was physically and emotionally super done with work after this weekend. It also doesn't help that I still did not feel super well. BUT don't worry, I still really like my job.

Me and my girl crystal just trynna get through our saturday shift.
On a different note - down in st george seth seems to have had a pretty awesome week. Early this week against Pine View he hit his first home run of his high school career. Pretty impressive especially right after a shoulder injury not too long ago. Wish I could've been there, but I was sent the video which is better than nothing. This weekend was also senior night for him. Him and his team pulled an upset against Dixie. Im not sure the exact stats but I guess Dixie has been pretty good and Dhills really came through that night. Proud sister and cant believe he is graduating this month!
This guy right here crushed yet again another ironman. He's a crazy man, but I look up to him and hope to one day be in as good of shape as he is. Which brings us to today... this is what the fam was doing down south... cleaning up the pine valley house. Oh man, I love pine valley and am so excited to be there soon.
Apparently they did some fun stuff and there was a lot of yelling involved... doesnt sound like anything out of the ordinary to me, but wish I was there.

And this is what my day has looked like up north, which honestly I cant complain. Still fighting this cold, but I was able to get back running this morning for a slow 3 miles then hiked the Y with Erin. She's never done it before and mentioned doing it yesterday. I told her how bad it sucks but that we should definitely do it. yep, Im here to tell you it still sucks. But we did it. Grabbed some food and spent the rest of the afternoon chilling by the pool. This weekend was also my graduation... I didnt walk - obviously but its officially official. I was also able to spend sunday with Drew and Emma - went to church and had a yummy pork roast dinner with them. In sunday school, my friend Karee gave a freaking awesome lesson. We talked about the stories of the prodigal son and raising lazarus from the dead. We talked about how Jesus didnt go immediately to mary and martha once he found out lazarus was sick. Jesus loved them, yet he waited days before going to them. Karee actually asked me to share my back pain story of waiting for an answer to my prayers. Its so often we pray for something and feel straight up abandoned. Like is anyone even listening? Do you even care? But Christ's timing is perfect. Our prayers will be answered when and in the way they are supposed to be. Even though we have to wait longer than we want for certain things - the outcome is even more miraculous than we could've imagined for ourselves. Life is good. Im happy and trying to be better every day. Love you guys.
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