Top notch week

Guys, if I'm being honest this has seriously been the best week Ive had in awhile. Just a super fun, good week. I don't wanna jinx anything but it just feels like things are starting to work out?!! Sooo this week started off with presidents day! A snowy presidents day. Hung out with friends all day - lunch and movie with Jesse and then dinner and hot tubbing with my Europe friends!

If you guys remember from back in my Lithuania days - we had an obsession with oreo bars over in europe. And for some reason none of us have ever been able to find them over here in the US until this week!!! Kelsi found them at a local 7/11 so we had to make the stop. They are the EXACT same as the ones in Lith and it made my day. Brings back some good memories. And now for my weekly update on school... I am so smart! Like actually kinda smart! So I had my third med surg test this week. My two other scores I got were 76% and an 82%. So not good. Well as I was taking this test I thought to myself "this is a way easier test than the other ones" and "Mr. Roberts must've been in a good mood and is going way easy on us" Well I got an 88%! still not the best, but for this class its considered a pretty dang good score. I still figured everyone would score good though, because it was such an easy test. Come to find out the class average was a 76% (anything below 78% is failing) and the high score in the class was an 89%! WHAT!!! I was one percent off the high score. So I guess the test wasnt actually easy - I'm just actually getting the hang of this hard freaking class. Definitely a happy moment for the week. I also set up my first interview for a job! eek. My first nursing job ever. I turned in my resume and with in an hour the manager called me. Was not expecting that, but Im pumped. Nervous, but pumped.

A good day at school calls for a happy mirror selfie. Loving every minute of school and just soaking up these last couple months :') And speaking of nursing... look at this glow up....

Dad sent me this picture and I absolutely love it. A very hesitant and nervous laynee watching her dad place an IV in grandma... and now I love every opportunity that I have to poke people haha. I guess I have always been fascinated with the medical field and now look at me - fulfilling those dreams. And even more big girl things...

Signed on my very first car. Adulting this week has actually been 10/10 - Ive enjoyed it. My car should be here in a couple weeks and I am stoked! Doesn't seem real, but Im excited. And to end the week... good times with the roommates. 

Hair experiments with Jesse!!

Treats and stranger things! 

And sunday drives for the win!! Just feeling grateful for a lot. Today Bishop talked about trusting in the lord. We don't know what is in store for us, but God has it figured out. Each one of us are given our own journey through life so just trust God and be grateful. Thats it for now folks. Love ya mucho. 


  1. Just love your blog. I made it in. Those were good Kentucky days. Love you so much Laynee. You are doing awesome as a grownup as I knew you would.


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