Man, oh man. To be quite honest, I don't remember a dang thing from this week. and I have no pictures to help me jog my memory soo forgive me. I know for a fact I did have lots of school. This week I started attending my Medsurg class on both days. Yes, I voluntarily attended an additional four hour class. Hey, whatever it takes to understand the material and get a good grade. I guess my classmates are calling it "double dipping". Im a proud double dipper. We started our Neuro unit this week - epic. I am so so grateful to be in-person this semester. I love being able to study with my classmates after class or go out to lunch with them or just rant about the life we are living as students. In lab on thursday - we were all going through discussing our answers to our homework. Before I said what I put down I said "Ok so I did this at 3am while on night shift so sorry if it doesn't make sense" and everyone's response was just like "girl we feel you". We talk about the lack of sleep we are getting and honestly just laugh together about it. I love it. So thursday was a crazy busy day - Lab in the morning, test in the afternoon and then night shift! I had my last two night shifts this weekend. Bitter sweet. Ive really enjoyed working there and gaining more independence as a nurse. And my body was finally getting used to the opposite sleep schedule. I guess Ill just have to reteach my body once I get a job (hopefully) in a few months. Sad to leave, but excited to have the next few months to dedicate my time to preparing for the NCLEX and passing my classes.

Another week - another thumbs up selfie from me. My first shift of the weekend was so slow. We were done by 10pm and had nothing till 5am. So I got all my homework for the next week done, plus looked up vacations, did some scholarship paperwork, online shopped, ate some food, listened to music and walked the halls to not fall asleep. Actually this was the one and only night I did accidentally fall asleep for a second. We had a set of meds at 5 and another set at 6am so in between I sat in the break room just chilling. Next thing I know my nurse, kellie, is whispering my name and I wake up in a slight panic haha. I had no clue I had fallen asleep! slept a super good amount during the day friday which was a blessing! I drank a zip fizz before my shift that night just to see if I liked it... well folks - I didnt get tired at all friday night. And when I got home saturday morning I was talking to my mom on the phone and decided right then and there, at 8:30am, having not slept all night, that I was gonna pick up and dip down to St. george. So... I did. literally threw a few pairs of underwear in my backpack and got back on the road for home. I figured it would be a good way to celebrate being done with my capstone. Plus, I haven't been home in six weeks and I really just needed to see some sunshine, red hills and my family. I got to spend the rest of my saturday at costco with my parents and went to a DSU basketball game with my dad. Hadnt slept in 32 hours and my body was quite literally quivering in exhaustion, but its all worth it!! It is really amazing the things our bodies can handle.

And speaking of how amazing my body is... hopefully this little baby will get it back in tip top shape. I might be a little more prone to getting some cold symptoms, but Im willing to take that risk if it means getting back on the trails. I enjoy doing IVs and giving shots at the hospital, but its not as fun when its yourself. Ill get used to it though with time. Luckily its only a once a week thing.
And this is what a sunday night looks like at home... the boys always ask me to make homemade macncheese and then we sprinkle some hot cheetos in it... delish. Life is pretty decent at the moment. Planning a few trips, buying a new car, looking at future apartments, applying for jobs, finishing school and getting ready to start more school, ya know - just the usual. This stage of life is exhausting yet so exhilarating. Like I have no clue what is in store for me, but I cant wait to see what happens.
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