Happy where I am
Howdy, Howdy! Guys I don't even know where to start... Ive done a lot the past week if Im being honest! SO to start last friday afternoon I was sitting here on my couch doing some homework. Joshua was driving across the country and would be getting into to st. george the next day. Well my car was making weird noises, I had school and I had JUST moved up here so I had told him I wasnt going to be in stg for the weekend and that I would just see him on thursday when he came up to provo. Well doing homework.... I just wanted to go to st george so bad. I texted my mom and asked if it was a good idea to drive down for the weekend. Long story short I was out of my apartment and on the road about 20 minutes later. NO REGRETS.
One of my favorite moments was as I was pulling into my neighborhood I see a little blonde boy riding his spin scooter down the street towards me. I roll down my window and stick my head out. He had no clue I was coming to town because it happened so fast and let me tell you his reaction was priceless. It was almost slow motion it seemed. His jaw drops and his head just turns all the way around following my car as I pass him. I laughed so hard. Priceless. Helped sethy shop for a homecoming proposal and then we hit up mo bettahs afterwards. I love my dang brothers. We also spent the afternoon swimming. I cant believe how hot it is still in stg. I love it!!
Well josh got into town around 3pm. My location was turned off and he still didnt suspect anything. I spent all afternoon trying to get him to my house to either pick something up real quick or to stop by and see my family real quick, buttt he was too busy and insisted on coming over another day. Well crap. I wasnt gonna wait any longer so me and jack took things into our own hands.... ok maybe this is creepy, but we stalked him. We followed his location to the restaurant his family was at. We saw him come out and then followed him home on a sneaky high speed chase. It was fun. I ended up just knocking on his front door and I think I surprised him and his family pretty well. Spent the rest of the night shooting, climbing and even snuck into a pool out by sand hallow. Let the late nights begin... yikes.
Monday was spent in pine valley. Bean picking, snapping and canning. Dad took us on a fun mountain biking trail and whooped our butts.
Decided to dive into glorious water - it was freezing, but still glorious. Monday night I had to head back up north because I had my first lab on tuesday morning! I love school y'all. I really really do. And I love lab. This year our lab is more based on simulations rather than skills. A little intimidating to hear that at first, but I think we will learn more this way. We had a little simulation that day and it was actually really fun. Our patient was post surgery and everything was fine until it wasnt. Suddenly BP and O2 drop and pt is unresponsive. It was super fun to figure out what to do as a team and to save the patient. I think all of us were pretty nervous because we thought we had forgotten everything over the summer, but I think we all surprised ourselves. Im excited to start to feel even more confident in my skills and thinking like a real nurse.
Climbing tuesday night! And I did actually have fun. Ive realized between my best friend and boyfriend... climbing will be a part of my life forever so I better learn to love it.
I mean the upside to being forced to climb is that I think
I am getting better so thats good I guess! Thursday was a busy day! I had a full day of school, had to pick up some stuff for josh and take him to jaiden's wedding and then.... CONCERT TIME! Drove up north with some friends, got some dinner and stood in line in the rain. Storm cleared and the party started. "the party" as in the realization that I am too old and too much of a germ freak to enjoy concerts anymore! Im only sorta kidding. For the opening artist we were in the middle of the crowd. A crowd of stinky, sweaty strangers and it was anything but fun. I was starting to worry that maybe I actually was becoming a grandma but I wasnt the only one not having fun which was a relief. We headed to the side where we had more room to see, dance and breathe fresh(er) air! So I am still a fun young adult - not a complete grandma, yet.
Us in the middle - yeehaw
The rest of the concert was so fun! Its been a long time since hearing live music. The best part was at the end Quinn and Chelsea came out together and sang their collab songs. SO good!
Friday morning I took joshua to the dumb airport. He left me again. Meathead.
Friday night I met up with my gal pals. Cheesecake factory for the win.
I mean look at this^ wow.
Love these girls and still cant believe 2.5 years ago we met as strangers in a foreign country and now we are besties for life. Saturday was dedicated to homework... and a lot of it. Not that I was behind, but it was more getting everything done for the next week so I can party on labor day. Productive day to say the least and it felt good to get a lot done. Which brings us to Sunday.... best day of the week. Especially now that church is at 11:30am I mean come on the church is extra true at that time. Today in church was testimony meeting and one guy mentioned enjoying every stage of life. And I can confidently say I am happy where I am.
Mug cakes and movie night with the roomies.
Life doesn't get much better than this.
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