Pine Valley Shenanigans

 HI. I'm back but I have some catch up to do so sorry about it. Love spending the summers in pine valley even if it means weeding the garden. Gotta do a little hard work to earn the good food right?! Well I was able to spend almost a whole week up in pine valley helping grandma stock up the house, clean, tidy up the graves and plant the garden! 

Poor Odie passed away last week. Dang, he was a good dog. He's been my favorite dog since I can remember. Love ya buddy. 

We slept at B-ama's house sunday night. Woke up to some Randy cakes and then headed over to clean the graves. Not gonna lie, I really don't like cleaning graves, yet its a family tradition and its kinda fun to have  everyone gather. 

I love this picture. Working hard or hardly working? 

The crew for this year. 

And now for the garden... you can just see the excitement in jacks eyes. 

Bottle Bash got heated! A perfect day - yard games and good food on the
 porch in pine valley with family. 

Sexy seth driving the famous pink moped. 
I love pine valley. I love my family. I love this life. 


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