WOOHOO we are back at it! The europe gals and I have been dying to get out and start traveling again. Im not lying when I say all we talk about is our memories in europe, cheap flights, or planning future trips.  Well Madi's parents have a time share in Cancun and their other kids bailed this year so we gladly stepped in and took their place. 

first stop - walmart

boujee hotel

Pretty sunset! And yes I have a jacket on still. These dang girls set the room thermostat at 18 degrees celsius! For those who don't know the conversion off the top of their heads that is 64 degrees!! 64 what the heck!! I was cold all week. Little desert girl over here couldn't hang. So I spent a lot of time out on the balcony in the heat and humidity. 

Playing some games at the resort. 

Cute pic with my mullet. My hair is getting longer,
 but in a high bun I still have a hot mullet. So much fun to see these girls again and to be on a beach! Usually when we travel its to cold places or its in the middle of the winter so this was so nice to be in a warm place. 

Look at this water!!! Man I love the ocean. So sunday night we booked trips for a Whale shark excursion. I was PUMPED! like I knew this would probably be the highlight of the trip. I love boat rides, swimming with massive cool ocean animals and I just knew it would be the greatest experience ever. Well it went a little different than expected... so woke up early and headed to the dock. There was a little bit of confusion with the tour groups but we got it figured out. We headed out on the water around 9:30am. They did warn us about choppy water due to some stormy weather so we ended up taking some dramamine. I took a pill and the other girls took two. Ive never gotten motion sickness, but I figure its better to be safe than sorry. And even with the pill Kelsi ended up having not so good of a day. The guides were right... the water was choppy. Madi and I were having the time of our lives catching air on these massive waves. Across the boat Kels had a five gallon bucket on her lap and couldn't keep anything down. I felt super bad. We drove out about two hours out to sea and duh it was beautiful I mean look at the picture. Well We got out there and were welcomed by the site of probably 50 other boats. All chasing this one shark. Thats right folks.... ONE shark. I pictured this day being out to sea and getting dropped off in the middle of a pod of whale sharks and being able to leisurely swim alongside them for hours. NOPE! not even close. so we get in line behind the rest of these other boats. and come to find out only two people at a time can jump in and swim with the shark. So we get in line and two members jump in then they swim with the shark for 30 seconds before we pick them back up again and then head back in line to wait for the next two people to jump. Well luckily me and madi were group two so we got to jump fairly soon. Also, not some willy nilly jump. They have us sitting on the edge of the boat, everything ready to go for when the captain yells at us. When its our turn the captain pulls the boat right in front of the mouth of the shark and at that point he yells LISTO!! JUMP! NOW! and then no hesitation you gotta go. Once you are in the water you and your partner swim to one side of the shark and swim alongside it for as long as you can. They swim fast so really its not too long you get to see these creatures. especially because when I jumped in I didnt even see the shark because my snorkel was full of water from the choppy waves and I was struggling to breathe. I had to take a few extra seconds to clear my snorkel before I could see anything, but even the back end of this shark was incredible. We were supposed to get two jumps so I was pumped for the second time around to try it again. In the end they couldn't find enough sharks so we ran out of time and everyone only got to jump once. Kinda sucky, but glad I got to even see it once. 

One of our favorite parts was actually sitting on the edge, going over some massive waves while waiting for our turn to jump in. It seriously doesn't look choppy in these pictures, but I swear it was. 

stopped on our way home at Isla mujeres for some ceviche and swimming. I did try the ceviche... the raw fish was not bad at all, but I didnt like the pico hah. 

OH another story... so madi's parents had decided to drive to our tour place to make sure they knew where to pick us up. Well remember when I said there was a little confusion? our original tour company ended up sending us to another tour company down the street a little bit. So when madi's parents had gotten to the place they were asking an employee about us and the employee says they didnt have us on any of their boats. Another employee said "the owner of place took them in his truck" HAHA so they were freaking out. All day they were trying to track our location thinking we were probably being shipped off some place by this random guy in his car. There was a man who took us in his car but he just dropped us off at the tour company down the street. so nothing sketchy happened, but it definitely sounds sketchy and I feel bad that they were stressing all day, but kind of a funny story. 

Hanging out at night - we watched lots of movies but never finished any of them because we always ended up falling asleep. 

Next day was pool day! Would've gone to the beach, but there was tons of seaweed that they were trying to clean up so we chilled at the pool and had a few drinks. 

Reptile girl over here was in heaven!! I want one so bad. There was three iguanas that were always outside our hotel and I obviously made friends with them. I actually got to hand feed them. Seriously why am I obsessed with lizards. This little guy was letting me take some model shots. 

Margs for days. The last time I visited mexico strawberry daiquiris were my jam, but this time around margaritas were my go to. And the salt on the rim.... ooof doesn't get much better than that. 

Down at the pool we met Raphael. He soon became one of our besties. He sold me on a massage and facial deal. so after chilling by the pool I headed to the med spa where I got a 10/10 massage and facial. woohoo for hot stones. They are a game changer I tell ya!

Me post the best massage ever. 
The next day was Xel-Ha. Such a cool place. Best way to describe it is a natural waterpark. So there was a huge area for snorkeling where we saw tons of sting ray and schools of fish. There was a lazy river through the jungle with cliff jump spots, slack lining, obstacle courses and zip lining into the water. There was a massive water slide and best part was the all inclusive restaurants and bars. Thats right. Virgin margs all day long!

floating down the lazy river. I fell off my tube. 

This park really was epic. Between chasing sting rays and all the drinks I had Id say I was in my happy place. Oh and the sunset on the drive home... INSANE....

Told ya. 
The rest of the week consisted of playing in the waves (they cleared out the seaweed so we could finally get in the ocean outside of our resort), more pool time, hitting the markets and straight chilling. 

Me in my boujee robe that I wore every night while we watched shrek. I had no clue there were four shrek movies! Madi made us watch all of them... 

Dinner our last night. Complementary margaritas. 
Y'all I would be drunk 24/7 if these weren't virgin. 

And after jumping through the many COVID hoops. I made it home safely! Fun Fun trip. Love these gals and glad I met them two years ago in Europe. 


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