Life, man.

 Boy, have I been thinking bout lots recently. This week I was busy with getting ready for finals, helping the boys clean and pack up their apartment, going on tons of walks with shawnee and I even got to come down to st. george for jackie's big 14th birthday! So can we just talk about how dang fast time flies. And I swear the older we get - the faster it goes! Its pissin me off. I cant believe drew has been a missionary for almost a year. I cant believe Im halfway done with schooling. I cant believe Jack just turned 14 and seth is driving! I just cant believe it. 

Monday was spent hammocking in the park with our cafe rio and walking on some provo trails with shawnee. 

Tuesday was our last game night of the semester. We made some bomb scones with honey butter and I crushed everyone in settlers of catan - haha suckas. 

Thursday we were able to visit with josh's SIL who was in town for a couple days - and cant forget cute baby felicity 

Thursday and Friday I helped the boys clean and pack. Crazy how the apartment seemed practically empty yet when you go to pack everything up there is so much stuff! Friday night I also attended a friends bachelorette party. We had dinner at a super boujee pizza place. I dipped early to drive to stg so I missed out on dessert, presents and games - but Im not too mad. I couldn't wait to get on the road to head home. Not sure why, but I was seriously so ready to come home this last weekend. straight up craving st. george. 

stuck in traffic sipping on my sonic slushy. I actually got way tired on my drive home, so ya girl pulled over and got some hot cheetos to keep me going. 

Saturday morning was jacks birthday party. Bowling is our go-to and I think the kids had a good time. Then we headed to our house for pizza and treats. 

Cute jackie boy - I feel like he's still 11. Like I said where did the time go?! We went to dinner at Texas Roadhouse - like we do for everyone's birthday. We were going around ordering drinks and jack orders a water. Well me and mom were like "what the heck? birthday boy wants water?" Immediately we caught ourselves and realized the waitress had heard us say it was his birthday whoops!! That is like an unspoken rule when going to any restaurant for your birthday.... no telling that its actually your birthday. Well jack was stressing the whole time about being sung to. We were finishing dinner and the singing squad walks right by our table to go sing to someone else. Jack's heart I think dropped when he thought they were coming for him. But he wasnt out of the clear - he was next. He got a little red in the face, but says it was worth it for the free ice cream. 
Saturday night Josh and erin came over for some sheet cake and card games. We taught the family a game called "sorry charlie" (one of my favs). Ive never really loved cards but y'all Im loving game nights recently. 

I died at this picture. so story behind it... Erin wanted to document her dope hand so she snapped this pic. Well obviously dad's head was more important. gotta love the blurry cards and dad's glowing head in the background. 

Sunday was stake conference. Some really good talks and a good two hours to reflect and learn. President Thompson's talk was a good reminder to me that no one is perfect and we are all just needing to do our best. We need to do our best and we need to help others do their best. We need to not be so harsh on ourselves or others when things get in our way from doing our best. Ya know? I seriously love when I hear talks that are just like a slap in the face like "hey, you're good. Your doing ok and you need to stop beating yourself up." The gospel is a beautiful thing, thats for sure. And I'm grateful for it every single day. Sunday night was spent at josh's house. We watched The Chosen - highly recommend, and hung out with his family. He left for Boston early monday morning. So peace out joshy boy - but ill probably visit in the next few weeks anyway. Still a little stressed with finals and clinicals, but I see the light at the end of the tunnel.  Pray for me though. 


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