I love being busy, but dang this week was a butt kicker. Like kinda stressful. Actually really stressful. But I survived and that is worth celebrating about. (celebrating = having time to sit down and blog) Well lets take it back to last weekend - Easter/General Conference weekend!! woohoo. This year looked a little different than in the past... I spent the weekend in Idaho. I know... idaho. Lame... right?! actually not really. I was pleasantly surprised. We spent the weekend with Josh's family in city of rocks. Rock climbing all weekend long. I seriously haven't climbed in years and to be honest I didnt really enjoy it in high school. I just did it because I wanted to hang out with friends. Well I actually really enjoyed it this time around. We got there Friday afternoon and climbed till the sun went down.
you'll have to zoom in, but I swear thats me at the top. I actually did finish multiple routes - be proud of me.
rappeling down
It was a BEAUTIFUL couple days up there. 70s and clear skies. seriously it was awesome.
The whole gang. Me, Josh, Summer (josh's cousin), Josh's mom and Kim (family friend).
Saturday we woke up and headed out for a run/bike before conference.
look how pretty!!
haha I got to ride the trail E-bike. This thing was epic. I was cruising through these trails.
We weren't gonna make it on time to conference so we both hopped on the bike and sped home.
Conference was good as usual. Ive already started re-listening and studying the talks. I love being able to wake up in the morning and use these talks as a good way to start my day. We watched the morning session then headed back out for the day.
We climbed some awesome climbs with some amazing views...obviously. This is the view from our hammock.
gotta stop to look at the view. Saturday night we watched priesthood session, had some dinner and root beer floats and went to a local hot spring. Sunday was filled with walks, general conference, packing up and driving home. Fun little weekend trip for sure.
Sunday night we drove straight from Idaho to St. George. Got home a little after midnight and lucky me my brothers were still awake playing minecraft in the basement.
Monday I picked up my new glasses. #foureyes but hey I can actually see now.
We also hit up the bowling alley - the boys' second home. We all had pretty awesome games, but the highlight was Jackie bowling 4 strikes in a row which led him to a PR and a winning game of 195! what the heck. There was a cute old couple that was cheering for him and later came over and asked if he played in a league. When we told them he doesn't they told him he should haha.

I also got to watch sethy play some baseball. I could sit out there all day watching baseball. dhills lost to SC 7-10, but it was a good game. The rest of the time in stg consisted of doctors appointments as usual. I got another shot... My SI's are feeling a lot better which Im super happy about. Still super nervous to even try running again. Honestly Ive scared myself to not even want to run again because I don't want the pain to come back. Hopefully I get over that soon. I also got more of my mole removed. I watched them do the procedure this time and it was super cool. Now lets just hope he got all of it so I don't have to go back in. Wednesday afternoon we had to drive back up north... sad day. I hated how short the trip was, but I had a busy rest of the week with school. Thursday I had my final day of Lab pass offs. It went well. I was pretty nervous going into it just because I really didnt feel confident or prepared to pass off blood administration. It ended up being way easier than I thought and I passed it 100%. I was happy to check that off the list, but the next few days still had me stressing/straight up dreading life. I had two back to back 12 hour shifts at the psychiatric unit. I hadnt heard the greatest things from classmates and I just wasnt excited. 4:45am comes around friday morning and I'm awake getting ready for my 6:30 am start up at the U. My first day I was assigned the adolescent unit. There were multiple times that day my eyes started watering because it just made me sad seeing and hearing what these kids had already gone through. Everything you could imagine from sexual assault and abuse to drug and alcohol overdose to suicide attempts and harming themselves and others. Most of the kids there at that time had been there a couple days and were already showing awesome progress and coping skills. There was one kid that had a meltdown and threatened to kill himself, but honestly it was just super cool to see these kids and how strong they are even with the cards they have been dealt. It wasnt a lot of nursing necessarily, but it was a good experience. The next day I was on the detox unit. This is where all the alcohol and drug dependent people come to get help through quitting and withdrawals. Super interesting. I was able to practice more nursing skills like injections, IV care, and lots of medication administration. LOTS! these people want anything and everything to ease their symptoms of withdrawal. We had one admission at the end of the day - a guy who has been doing heroin for the last 4 years. He came in sweaty, very very anxious, yawning, nauseous, in pain and somewhat delirious. It was sad. Overall these last two days have just made me grateful for everything that I have. My family, friends, the gospel, my health and especially, my agency. I am so glad I have a clear mind and that I am not being ruled by drugs, alcohol or any other addictive substance. Good experience, but dang Im tired and glad to have this last week over with. Finals week is in less than a month and I can taste summer... its so close!

lastly, a nice relaxing sunday. Still busy though trying to catch up on homework, cleaning, and of course blogging. Spent the afternoon/evening with friends at the park playing frisbee and spike ball. And now back at the apartment playing cards and having brownies. Life's good y'all, super good. <3
I love reading your blog. Keep it up.