December mumbo jumbo

 Life update - Im done with FINALS! yeehaw and I'm dang proud of myself. I was lucky enough to have good grades going into finals week so I wasnt too nervous. To be honest I didnt do a whole lot of studying for the tests, just kind winged them and ended up with good scores. This first semester flew by and Im so stoked for next semester, but I already know Im going to be graduating in a blink of an eye which is crazy! Scary but so exciting. Well since I haven't blogged in a couple weeks here is some catch up...

Celebrated grandma's 80th with family and cake. Love you grandma, 80 looks good on you. 

Rainy, cold bike rides with shawnee. Our favorite thing to do is to take our bikes out for a ride, no matter the weather. Good time to get some fresh air and talk about life. 

Playing bottle bash on sunday afternoons.
 A beautiful sabbath december afternoon in stg. 

Some shopping with the bestie. 

Looking at christmas lights with my second family. 
haha joke all you want about me and shawn being lesbian lovers, but all I gotta say is how grateful I am for her and her family. Good friends are important. Ive been her plus one to family functions for years and Im honored lol. 

Annual christmas eve get together happened a little early this year. Most the family was going to be out of town this year so our Christmas eve activities happened sunday night. Ate some treats and opened grandma's presents to all us grandkids. She never disappoints with her creative presents each year. This year was something else. Socks - boring right? nope not these socks. These socks had pictures of grandma on them. I about died when I saw them. So dang funny. I love my family and all the fun stuff we do together. 

Dad found this picture the other day and I needed to document how epic it is. Seth is the obvious star in this photo but the whole thing is just great. Chuck-O-Rama with great grandma back in the good ole days. 

Last but not least - Drew was just transferred to WY. Kinda crazy he isn't around for this christmas but we know he's doing awesome things. We love and miss you drew!! Christmas is about giving and serving and showing christlike love and thats exactly what he's doing. I cant believe Christmas is in 4 days. Time is flying. Im grateful for the savior and all he has done for me. Im grateful for His grace and mercy, His atonement, His sacrifice to allow for all of us to be perfected in him and make it back to our Heavenly Father. Wishing everyone a happy, healthy Christmas. love y'all. 


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