This world...

is dang beautiful. Ive said it a thousand times and Ill keep saying it... I live in one of the most beautiful parts of the world. Zion is one of our favorite places to head to on a saturday morning or even an afternoon after work. Me and dad get off a little earlier on fridays so we decided to head to North guardian angel and explore some unknown territory. It was a pretty warm afternoon but it was awesome. We bushwhacked through brush and climbed the face of NGA. I climbed this mountain with a couple friends back in high school and have wanted to do it again so badly. We didnt hike all the way to the top since we didnt have a rope with us, but the views were still rad. 

Looking out to NGA 

These views never ever get old.

We then trekked a little extra to find another passage to the subway... we weren't successful but we think we are in the right area so we have something else to look forward to. It is seriously so much fun to explore random trails and not so trails in Zion and just get lost in nature. Saturday we headed up to pine valley to help plant the garden. For the past few years we've been told we weren't going to have a garden, but we love it too much that we've convinced them so far to keep it up. There is nothing like fresh corn and potatoes from the garden. And its fun getting together as a family and helping with the work. 

Baby lettie just ate rocks while we worked hard. 

We also cleaned some graves. Luckily, they were mostly clean from other family members doing the work the week prior. Love my ancestors but dang I really don't like cleaning their graves. 

Grandma looking like a model and Im looking like a 12 year old boy going through puberty. 
Whelp thats about all Ive got for this week for pictures. But a lot has been on my mind. Trying to figure out where Ill be in a few months for school and having to do a ton of stuff to prep for school is one thing thats been occupying my mind but another is the straight up MESS our country is in. I could go on forever about it, but I just want to document the heart ache Ive been feeling. It hurts me to know there are so many people hurting right now. Whether the pain is from racial inequalities or the actions and words of others, it's safe to say everyone is uneasy at this point. In a perfect world we would respond with love and bring each other up as a HUMAN race. Instead, people are responding with hate and violence and personally making things worse. I don't understand the things others go through, but I know christ does. And I know he would respond with love, kindness and acts of service. We are all children of God and we have a responsibility to love our brothers and sisters no matter their race, their level of education, their financial status, their gender, their religious beliefs and/or anything else that "defines" them. One of the reasons I feel so strongly about this is where and how I was raised. I love my friends from Kentucky and Im grateful for the real friendships I was able to have despite our differences. To say 2020 has been a crazy year is an understatement, but there are great lessons to learn from the chaos. Lastly... a random picture of me and drew. 

He'll be a missionary in less than a month which is super crazy. Time is flying way too fast. Oh and pink hair is always a good idea. 


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