Constant blessings

Today Dad had us write down all the things that we have been doing differently since this pandemic whether they are things we cant do anymore or things we have more time for. We listed things like online school, home-church, less work, getting projects around the house done, and more family time like puzzles, games, hikes, bike rides etc. We then made a list of the things we want to keep doing once the quarantine is over. At first we were all wondering the point of this list, but it shows the blessings coming out of this slower lifestyle we have right now. We have time to do odd jobs around the house that otherwise wouldn't have gotten done at all. We have time to spend with the family which is especially important right now because a couple of us are leaving this summer and we're all growing up. We have time to take up new skills, talents and hobbies. I never knew I enjoyed puzzles until now and our family is getting into mountain biking. So I guess even though there are a lot of negative things happening in our world right now, there are still plenty of blessings we are receiving through this chaotic time. One particular outing we had as a family last weekend was out to warner valley to shoot some guns! I haven't been shooting in years and boy did we have fun. We grabbed a couple V8's from our fridge that no one drank (because ew) and a box with a target on it plus another few things we found around the house and headed out. Our first stop was glitter mountain or the quartz quarry. 

Drew hit the prized orange, me and seth with the V8's and jack crushed the nesquik bottle. 

Super fun getting out with the family. We are always so busy with sports, friends, school etc. so it really is a blessing to have this time. 

Came across this dude on our airport hill bike ride. I just about ran him over but luckily stopped in time. He was already dead but I moved him off the trail so he didnt get totally demolished by another bike or four wheeler. I love finding cool critters on trails, obviously shawnee disagrees. 

Took us about four days but this bad boy is done. We thought this one was tough but just wait till you see the one we are currently working on. 

Landree and lettie came over to visit. I think the one thing I miss is seeing extended family all the time, but I guess we are done with that rule haha. it's been too long since Ive seen this cute little one. She's getting big, but still very small. 

and a beautiful hike up in snow canyon's white sands. Another blessing... living in St. George. Dang I love this place. 

New phone who dis?? but really I got a new phone and my fav thing is the 10/10 camera so that's why the pictures look 10x better than usual.  I hope everyone is doing well and staying sane, happy and healthy. There's a reason for everything so lets look for the good and count our many blessings. 


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