A day in the life of a quarantined kid

Alright this one is for the future generations to come... "what was it like living through the 2020 coronavirus pandemic??" Well let me show ya what my day to day routine looks like. To start off with the obvious - sleeping in till about 9 give or take depending on the day. Once I lay in bed for a little bit I decide to get some stuff done. For the next couple hours I usually clean my room, study or get school stuff done so that I don't have to do it later in the day. After getting school done I either shower or I don't. haha seriously none of us ever get ready for the day anymore. Next is lunch. Either eating at home or most likely supporting local businesses. After lunch comes recess. The boys are participating in the very intense hockey tournament also known as the Corona Cup with the other neighbor kids. Its pretty epic. 

They have a set time every day (1 o'clock) where all the neighbor kids emerge from their houses to get some fresh air, social interaction and good competition. After hockey usually comes swimming and laying out in the sun - my favorite part of the day. The pool is pretty cold and I don't think we have ever started swimming this early in the season but we are hard up for anything. Some days mom will heat the hot tub up a little which is nice. I have also started aqua jogging in the lap pool which is fun.

After pool time we do random things depending on the day.... sometimes its Guitar Hero and Just Dance on the wii, helping mom around the house or even experimenting with hair dye.

One trip only duh

Quarantine made us do it. Seriously though I think we've gotten to the point where we will do ANYTHING to pass the time ahah. So bleaching my hair was the creative pass time of the day. I kind of have skunk-looking hair now but at least Im not bald so its a win! Next is either some netflix time or working out in the gym. The comes dinner and evening bike rides with shawnee or the frisbee game with the boys. 

I have loved going on bike rides. We even found a motocross dirt track by our house so we took our bikes off some sick jumps. lol. And to end the night either watching an episode of the big bang theory or Friends with the family. And there ya have it... a typical day in quarantine. On the weekends we have been able to go out to zion and hike quite a bit, but sadly they just shut Zion down. Last weekend we headed up angels landing to the West Rim trail and bushwhacked out onto a peninsula looking part of the plateau. Super fun but those 10 miles had me hurting the next couple days. Worth it. 

The wells family way to do zion - early in the morning. 

The deer were oddly calm and let us get so close. 

Drew taught us how to take a "hard pic" still not quite sure why its called that, but I guess we look pretty tough. We love zion and already miss it a ton. Going to have to get super creative now for our weekend adventures. 
Just a couple other updates: I do still work a few days week and I love it more than ever. Its a nice way to get out of the house and interact with people. I am still struggling to be active due to my injury. We are still just trying to figure out exactly what is wrong with me, but one of these days we'll get it right. This weekend is general conference and we were able to knock out some yard work yesterday while blasting it on our outdoor speakers... pretty sweet. I miss seeing my family and friends as much as I used to but I know its better for mine, my families and everyones health. Well I guess things could be worse. At least the memes are still solid. 


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