First blog post...
For awhile now Ive been wanting to start a blog.  I feel like everyone thinks blogs are lame things that middle aged women use to share cooking recipes or parenting tips.  This is definitely not one of those blogs...yet. LOL I mean I'm only 18 soo. Anyways, blogging has kinda been in my family for sometime now and Ive always loved to go back and look at pictures and reminisce the good ole days with my family and friends.  I am a strong believer in journal keeping and saving as many memories as possible, good and bad, but in my journal I don't have any pictures to look at so BAM thats why Im writing this. Im so pumped to finally start my own blog agh. No promises Ill be good at it. Im no english major or computer genius but thats ok. Also I am currently a full time college student, full time collegiate runner and I have a part time job as a medical assistant so Im fairly busy throughout the week so as of right now, every sunday is my goal.  Ok thats about it for this one.

Ps still trying to come up with a title. Being creative is another thing I am NOT good at.


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