This blog is just a big giant shoutout to uncle mason and his fam for hosting us every summer on his boat in Powell. It is the highlight of every summer and as drew puts it "the best vacation ever." It's a whole lot of work and money for the M wells fam and I think I can speak for the whole family that we will forever laugh at and cherish the memories made at the lake. So... I worked the Monday, Tuesday and an 8 hour on Wednesday to then immediately drive the St. George that evening. Next morning me and the parents headed out to the lake... the boys went out the night before to help load up the boat. It was a fun filled three days of obstacle courses off the back of the boat, water polo (cousins just having an excuse to drown each other), lots and lots of surfing, getting wrecked (4 day headache) on the tube, cliff jumping off our favorite, scary, high cliff, the best of the best food, over 100 degree temperatures and lots of quality cousin time. Congratulations to Emma on surviving her first crazy Wells family vacation. She's only been in the family for 6 months and a trip to the lake is definitely an intense initiation, but she seemed to enjoy it. Now for some pictures... in no particular order...

We got all three of us - maycee, drew and I up surfing. It was fun and luckily no patrol people saw us boating that close together.
the epic cliff from last year. Dad did it with us this year and had a good scream on the way down. I more so just have my breath taken from me while jumping off this monster.
Missing a few, but the cousins
Jackie wasn't able to do much this year due to his ear surgery only a few weeks prior. He took his dips in the lake in between surfers or tubers and had a cotton ball taped into his ear for extra precaution incase someone splashed him. Felt bad for him, but he was a good sport.
cutest couple at lake Powell three years running
And that's about it. It was a blast and a half and another plus is no one got hurt! It's definitely a trip we look forward to each summer.

I still had a couple days off after lake Powell... so more time in the sun it was. Hung out by the pool Monday and Tuesday and it was a heavenly 116 degrees outside. Then back to the cold hospital for four 12s. Not too crazy of a week. If I don't remember my patients after four days of work then you know I had pretty normal patients which is always nice. Work does have its fair share of drama at the moment and a bit of short staffing especially through the summer, but it's pretty ho-hum. Yes, I still learn new things every day (I had a patient with achalasia... so I learned what that means), but it's pretty nice to be in a place where I feel good. There isn't many things in my everyday job that Im nervous to do anymore or things I don't feel comfortable doing. I call rapids plenty, have experienced a few codes now (that's always the biggest worry of a new nurse I feel) all my nursing skills are pretty top-notch and I deal with the oddest and crazy of people each and every day. So it's nice to not have to worry about what Im up against anymore, its more just like "bring it". Anyways, that feeling of being comfortable in a job will be changing here pretty quick. I am on a break from school right now and to be honest am enjoying it more than I thought I would. I think the last break from school I took was to travel to Europe 5 years ago. Ever since then it has been pretty non-stop pre-requsites, my associate nursing degree, then straight into my bachelors in nursing and I got bored so quick that summer that I jumped right into my masters. Well maybe I'm finally burnt out enough that Im actually enjoying this break haha. I'll enjoy it while it lasts then come September 3rd it's time to start the last year of school. crazy. During this break Ive been trying to plan out and reach out to possible clinical placements. It's all a little overwhelming, but just like most things in life it'll work out and be worth it in the end. Summer has been rad. I wish it was summer all year long. Or at least 10 of the 12 months. I had today off work and Im back tomorrow night for another couple weeks of night shifts woohoo. let's go.
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