Summer at its finest

I've said it once and Ill say it again... I love summer in St. George. yes, it may be 117 degrees but we THRIVE. well, I thrive. Anyways some exciting updates to come on this post, but honestly same old same old... swimming, lake days, hanging with fam and friends, and all the goodness that summer has to offer. 

Loving the lake with the schimmy's. Getting good at surfing and actually really enjoying it. 

Random picture of me and shawn. She was making fun of the way I had my clip in my hair. We are still going strong watching vampire diaries together. That's our go-to activity if we want to take a break from swimming and the sun. 

shawnee had a couple guy friends in town for the weekend. We had a good time showing them around town. We hit up sand hallow on friday. rock climbing out to cougar cliffs on saturday and...

ZION!! Sunday night we drove up to shawnees cabin in kolob. We did some sudoku puzzles, watched some magic tricks brought to us by spencer, ate some sour patch kids and laughed all night long till we finally hit the hay. 

Woke up around 5:30 to head to the west rim trailhead. I was just the driver, sadly. BUT i still love an excuse to see the sunrise over zion. Shawnee showed off the prettiest parts of zion to the boys and they loved it. I opted out of hiking because my back. Ive actually been feeling really good, but we've been trying to nail it down whether or not it has to do with my period. And TMI but I was about to start my period so we didnt want any other factor bringing on my pain if that makes sense....which leads me to my big update!

This girl right here is done with PT and is feeling good! I have recently cut down on dairy ( and trying to cut down sugar), started birth control, been doing exercises to tighten my pelvic bowl and while walking/running I wear an SI belt. Thats right folks.... running. Now it isn't anything too crazy. Like Im starting super super slow. We are talking walking for a few minutes, running for two minutes, walking some more and running another one minute. SO in total I'm running about 5 minutes right now which isn't a lot, but I'm happy. SO happy. and super grateful. And really hoping the pain doesn't come back (a big fear of mine right now). But anyways, I guess my pain was maybe brought on by a few things - hormone imbalances/PCOS, inflammation due to my diet, etc. IDK but at this point Im just pumped that we might have things figured out - FINALLY. 

Another random pic - pool day every day. 

Bike rides are our favorite. 

Spin scooter rides with Erin. 

Happy 10 years to my dad! Started this clinic ten years ago and even in the 5 years Ive been around its crazy how much it has grown. Started from the bottom now we here! Best Doc in town. 

Celebrated with some awesome people. 

They had pictures all around the office of my dad and the employees over the last decade and this one is my favorite. #dreamteam 

The four of us decided to pray nice and close one night so we took a selfie. 

late night wendy's run with sethy. I love how the older my brothers get the closer we become. Its sad to see them grow up, but fun to be able to talk to them and relate to them. 

And can we please talk about the rain!!! Finally decided to rain here in southern utah. And boy are we grateful for it. It has been so fun to watch the storms roll in at night and to just sit outside and enjoy it. This is me and jack outside watching the storm and yes Im in like three layers. 

Erin's surprise(ish) birthday party!

We decided to recreate (above) a photo from 2018 (below). Definitely not the same and missing a couple people.  Kinda crazy we met our freshman year of college and now we've all kind of gone our own ways, but we were able to meet up and hang out again. So fun. 

Haha. Kev mid-slipping and falling. 

The whole party squad. Fun night of swimming, catching up and eating cake. happy 23rd A-Aron. 

Oh and the party didnt stop there... Sleepover!! plus lunch at mad pita. yum. 

Last but not least a sunday selfie of us heading to Pine valley. Visiting the grandparents and enjoying the mountains. Headed to Powell with the fam tonight so catch y'all next week for a fun blog. 



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