October catch up: girls trip and cross country championships

Hi. Ive sucked this month at blogging. sorry. This month me and a couple girl friends headed down to Knotts Berry Farm in California for a day of rollercoasters and a night of scares. Super fun. Enjoy these bajillion selfies. 

I found 50 bucks on the ground woohoo

2am - very very tired

Desert Hills region champs

Headed up to SLC for drew's State xc race. We woke up extra early wednesday morning for our temple appointment. Extra early as in 4am. Well worth it, that temple is huge and beautiful and v huge. 

Got to see my friend ERIN! Ive missed her dearly. 

3rd place for Desert Hills boys at state. Always fun to race and watch the races at sugarhouse park. Proud of the boys, especially drew. 

The whole Fam Damily

Last but not least a picture of me carving the crap out of a poor little pumpkin. The final product isn't pictured, but I carved the star eye emoji. alright bye. 


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