Back to school?!

I have totally FAILED at blogging since being home from Europe. To be straight up, my life just isn't as exciting at the moment...but I've realized I still want/need to document the not so "exciting" times of my life. I feel like there's a lot more to learn in the small things of life, therefore, I should probably write them down! So to start off - Summer has come and gone. Crazy. This summer consisted of lake running, swimming, pine valley and lots of family and friend time. 

Training was going super well. Notice how I said was... seriously though. I was feeling strong and super confident going into the next couple months of marathons. I had goals set and I was crushing all the workouts and long runs. I jinxed myself by saying my legs were doing AWESOME, like not hurting at all. Well one 20 mile run and Ive been out for a month. I had super harsh pain in my upper right buttock, low back and what felt like my SI joint. I was so so frustrated not just because I couldn't run, but I couldn't pin point where my pain was coming from. It hurt to bend over, stand up, stand on one leg and run. After multiple injections, massages, doctors appointments and days of rest I was STILL in pain. By process of elimination we found the problem was my hip flexors. Ive never had troubles with my hip flexors, but because of all the hill training apparently they were trashed. Ive spent the last couple weeks getting 2-3 massages a week and my pain has subsided, but in the end it still hurts enough that I cant run. Troy found out I was still not able to run and he saw me pretty quick in his office to tell me that its not just my hip flexors, but also my Quadratus Lumborum. He felt around and that afternoon I got some TPIs from dad. I am HEALED! finally. Ok not completely but wow its a difference. Sadly, I was not healed in time for the Cottonwood marathon so that money was deferred to next year, but I was able to go on a 6 mile run in Zion on saturday and it felt amazing! a little pain and a lot of out of shape, but Im back on my feet again and Im pumped. Ive got about 20 days to get back in shape as much as possible for the STG marathon - wish me luck. At this point Im just dying to run, no matter how fast or slow. Ive never enjoyed running as much as I have these past few months and I was definitely not the happiest when it wasnt an option anymore. Grateful for my health and my abilities thats for dang sure. 

First day of school - I jokingly took this as seth's "first day of school picture" haha 
Drew's Mr. Student body pres. at Desert Hills and is enjoying a pretty chill senior year schedule, besides having all the duties of student council. 
Seth is a freshman at Desert Hills Middle and is a stud football player as of right now... he hates it and they've lost every game, but oh well. 
Jack is a big 7th grader at Sunrise ridge and is living the dream in the Wellness center haha. He jokingly visited the Wellness center at his school expecting a nice getaway from class, but he was welcomed by a teacher, filled out a survey saying he was sad and spent the next 10 minutes awkwardly playing with magnetic sand. He regretted it and said he never wants to do that again. 
As for me... Im a junior in at DSU. ew I'm old. and I just applied for DSU's nursing program! I have a lot of mixed feelings about it all but I'm excited to see what happens!

For my application I had to make a video of myself saying why I am a good candidate for the program and what I plan on contributing to the nursing profession. Talk about cringe. I had to video myself for 4 minutes listing all the reasons Im awesome. lol but really the first clip took me probably 30 minutes then I just realized I wanted to get it over with so I full sent it. Hopefully I wasnt too awkward...I find out if I get accepted in 15 days ahhh

School starting means Cross country!!! Cross country has turned into a family thing... I was recently given the opportunity to coach the middle school team. It has been so much fun. Every Tues/Thurs I get to hang with 30ish middle schoolers and run! Jack is on the team and its been so much fun to run with him and his friends and get to know these other kiddos. Drew is running Varsity for Dhills and I love watching him and the team. Im definitely glad I don't have to race on these courses anymore, but it brings back a lot of good memories and I love being able to see my siblings race on the same courses that I raced on for years. 

Drew got a job at Yeti shaved ice - duh we visit him on every shift. 
And as for Labor Day weekend, we partied hard! Saturday was spent in Pine valley preparing some beans and hanging in the hammock. 

Monday was spent in Boulder City with the Cole fam. We headed out to Lake Mead from 9am till almost 5pm. Such a blast. Nice hot day and the lake felt so dang good. We played with the kids, watched Sam shred it up on the wakeboard, ate way too many treats and chips and of course tubing was wild as ever. 

I sure do miss having these cuties live down the street but they are pretty lucky living less than 10 minutes from the lake. Last weekend I had the opportunity to nanny for a family in our ward. 5 kids for four days and boy is it hard work. It sure is tiring being a "mom" but it is super fun. I definitely cherished the couple hours I had alone while the kids were in school. It helps that the kids were cute too I guess...

And a random picture of me and Shawn @yogoland

Picture of me and Shawn on fancy thursday - our traditional mirror pic in the same mirror every thursday, its our fav day of the week. 

And drumroll pls.... Shawn's BF is HOME!!! ok so not bf yet but we had to take a pic with his homecoming poster - one day when they are married they will look back and laugh at these pics. 
cant wait. 

Last but not least, I started running again!!! After my shots I was a little sore, but no pain so I figured I should give running a try. Me and dad headed out to the back side of observation point and did a little 6miler. I have missed Zion so so much. Running is seriously 10x better there. I was incredibly happy to be out running, but I was most definitely out of breath haha. My lungs were on fire and towards the end my legs were aching because they hadn't done 6 miles in a longgg time. But it feels soooo good. 

sick pic of dad and a pic of the wicked rockslide on the observation trailhead. 

Last but not least a killer breakfast at our fav springdale spot.  
Nothing beats a morning run in Zion with some tasty food. Life is good. Chill, but good. Im currently enrolled at DSU taking one class - bio 1200 and so far it's cake. I work three days a week, school and coach the middle schoolers. I feel like Im at a stand still until I find out if I made it into the nursing program. Trying to enjoy the boringness of life right now because I know it won't always be this relaxed. Well, lots to look forward to, but also a lot to enjoy right now. 
Peace for now.  


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