Party with the whole fam damily

Wells fam reunion 2019. Friday morning we started out with the Provo City Center temple. It was awesome. So much fun to be able to go see and do work at another temple. Funny story - first of all the ordinance worker thought me and drew were dating...hmm weird but ok and second, we were all waiting for our turn to head into the font room. Well we don't really know any of our distant cousins, the only ones we were close with were Emily and Evan. SO emily knowing that there were others around us here for the wells family reunion decided to randomly ask people "are you a wells?" these two particular girls were very confused and gave emily a weird look making it obvious they weren't part of the wells clan. Kind of funny. 

Post temple ice cream @ subzero. 

Love attending new temples and this one is such a beauty. Fun to experience it with cousins and family. That night we had some food and a pool party. The next day my family got some check ups with Uncle mason while I went and visited with some of my friends! I met up with Isabela and Kelsi for some lunch and shopping. Fun weekend with family and friends, but there was still more fun to come. Monday morning we headed out to LP with the MWells fam. Three days of pure sun, fun and craziness. Tubing, jet skiing, cliff jumping, the sand hill, knee boarding and wake boarding non stop. Oh and eating good food, duh. By the end of each day we were exhausted and thats when you know its a good time. 

Sometimes it didn't even take us till the end of the day to feel exhausted... Loved lake powell and we all want to go back. Thanks Mwells' for a fun few days. For further updates - life is chill. nothing too crazy. Training for the marathon is going well. This past weekend me and my dad went up to SLC to get his tooth fixed and to run the Cottonwood marathon route. Beautiful and fun and all downhill! Its fun in the moment, but painful the next day (as Im experiencing now). 

Some cool pics of me being a dental assistant wootwoot. I was also planning on seeing my friend while up in SLC. My friend erin, had been at the hospital receiving her first chemo treatment, and was discharged before I had the chance to visit her :( Erin was recently diagnosed with stage 4 cancer which broke my heart into a million pieces when I heard the news. Its been a rough few weeks knowing that one of my best friends was going through such a devastating trial and her life has been turned upside down so quickly. It has made me think about and realize so so much. I realized I have no room to complain about little things going on in my life. Erin has been such a good example to me of strength and positivity through this whole process and it absolutely blows me away. Its so easy to look at the negative side, but it makes life so much better to look at the positive things. For instance: Erin cut all her hair off and she told me "Now I can run even faster because Im aerodynamic!" She took a possible negative situation and seriously put a smile on my face, what the heck. She's strong and Im so glad to have her as a friend. Grateful for the awesome people I have in my life.  


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